05.12. Adding Replication Slot for 'Passive Node'

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!!! Perform on the OGG server !!!

OGG server #2
- ogg-srv02.oracak.ru

1. Registering the extract process

dblogin sourcedb gg_dbquik2 useridalias ggadmin
register extract e_quik2
INFO OGG-25355 Successfully created replication slot 'e_quik2_5606c4068773b512' for Extract group 'EQUIK2' in database 'dbquik2'.

Please provide the names of the slots returned by the extract registration commands.
These names will be used for configuring slot names in the Patroni cluster.

!!! !!! Execute on the Pangolin master server !!!

Postgres cluster #12
- db-pgsql03.oracak.ru - master

Execute on the master server of the cluster:
- db-pgsql03.oracak.ru - master

1. Add the description of OGG replication slots to the Patroni configuration
[postgres] $>
patronictl -c /etc/patroni/postgres.yml edit-config

type: logical
database: equik2
plugin: test_decoding
- name: e_quik2_5606c4068773b512
type: logical
database: equik2
plugin: test_decoding

2. Reload the Patroni configuration and restart the cluster's databases
[postgres] $>
patronictl --config-file /etc/patroni/postgres.yml reload quik-20j0ow --force
patronictl --config-file /etc/patroni/postgres.yml restart quik-20j0ow --force

-- replication slot management
SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('pgsql_db01');
SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;
select pg_drop_replication_slot('pgsql_db01');

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