05.06. Adding Replication Slot for 'Active Node'

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!!! To be executed on the master server of the active cluster side !!!

Postgres cluster #1:
- db-pgsql01.oracak.com - master

1. Add replication slots description for OGG to the Patroni configuration
[postgres] $>
patronictl -c /etc/patroni/postgres.yml edit-config

type: logical
database: dbquik1
plugin: test_decoding
- name: e_quik1_2d377917b79fbe11
type: logical
database: dbquik1
plugin: test_decoding

2. Reload the Patroni configuration and restart the cluster databases.
[postgres] $>
patronictl --config-file /etc/patroni/postgres.yml reload quik-n0qw71 --force
patronictl --config-file /etc/patroni/postgres.yml restart quik-n0qw71 --force

-- check replication slot
SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;

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