02.01. Break of connection between PRIMARY and STANDBY

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1. Add rule for firewall
[root@ora-fsfo-db02 ~]# iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP

1.1. Operations on PRIMARY were stopped for the NetTimeout period and then continued
1.2. PRIMARY turns off the path of sending logs to STANDBY and switches to ASYNC mode
1.3. STANDBY stops and stands unchanged, waiting for replication to recover
1.4. OBSERVER sees a replication break
Result: there are no conditions for Failover

[ora-fsfo-db01]: testing command
[ora-fsfo-db01]: alert.log
[ora-fsfo-db01]: $ORA_DIAG\drcbank.log


[ora-fsfo-db02]: alert.log

2. Delete rule
[root@ora-fsfo-db02 ~]# iptables -D INPUT 1
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